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Monday, July 9, 2012


"I'm Alive! I'm Alive"

We saw hospital attendants wheel Janee' past the ICU waiting room after a 10 hour surgery. We could see she had her hands in the air. When we walked into her room, she looked radiant. Her face glowed as she said,"I'm alive! I'm alive!"

A Special Kind of High

The surgeon told us it had been a difficult surgery and she would not have lasted much longer. She went into surgery at 3:30 a.m. and returned to ICU at 3:30 p.m. I would have expected the two surgeons to be absolutely exhausted. Instead, they both seemed to radiate energy, a special kind of high. They had successfully transplanted someone near death after 17 years living with Primary Sclerosing Colingitis and multiple complications. It was a high few people experience--generated by saving a life. In this case their unique skill was indispensable.

Love Comes in Many Forms

We love the surgeons and thank God for their skill. We love the doctors and nurses who participated in our daughter's care. We love our daughter and welcome her back to life and recovery. We love the family who consented to give the liver of the one they had lost. We love our many friends, family, and even strangers who prayed for Janee' and our family and wished us well. Love comes in many forms. It makes living worthwhile.


  1. Dave and Linda DempseyJuly 10, 2012 at 8:51 PM

    Wow, Elva-- God is so good! Linda and I had heard that things weren’t looking good last Tuesday, so we felt compelled to call Kenneth Copeland Ministries, as they have a 24-hour prayer line. We prayed with a Prayer Minister by the name of Martha, told her of the situation, and she prayed and asked God to send out His angels to get Janee a perfectly matched liver, and that God would guide the hands of the surgeons and that His Spirit would be on them. She also prayed that the surgery would be successful and that Janee would have a supernatural, faster-than-normal recovery. She prayed with great authority, and spoke as if it she knew that Janee was about to be operated on. That was 8:30pm on Tuesday night, and Janee was in surgery 31 hours later! When we read that Janee had her hands in the air after her surgery exclaiming “I’m alive, I’m alive”, we both cried. We are overwhelmed at God’s goodness and how much He cares for us, and how he hears and answers prayer!

  2. We are over joyed with this good news. What a grand answer to our prayers.

    Gordon & Barbara Routsong
